Friday, 12 March 2010

P.S. I Love You

Final booklet design! Regrettably this photo was missed in the transfer from macbook to memstick and so was accidentally omitted from the final boards.

Exhibition shot at P.S. I Love You at bradford playhouse.
Note the very expensive and definitely not free bottle of beer.

For the front cover off the booklet i wanted an image of the fab four that was in keeping with the square format of the posters and the booklet itself. The one-face-in-each-corner arrangement works really well.

having no bleed in my layouts for the booklet really emphasises the the poster designs and fully displays them.

All 12 of the final pieces, they should be arranged horizontally of course. their progression is emphasised hugely with the use of colour (finally). Perhaps they are a little dark but i think this maintains the darkness of the initial black design and does not get illegible.

Formatted and sharpened up! Looking pretty banging. Hopefully the white wont get in the way of the white text.

All in all, it was pretty successful. 50% opacity on each layer and then i messed around the brightness and contrast til it was colourful and cheesy enough to work as my background.

Instead i decided to use a separate sheet for each of the primary colours in the hope that photoshopping them together would be more effective. There are some dodgy bits in this.

Some mucky blue parts are a little off putting.

The red might have mixed a little too well and it is very centralised

Initial resolution to making a ink drop background instead of black and my piss-weak attempt at paisley. I used all the colours on the same sheet though. this just made a big brown mess.

More paisley colours and more of it as the sequence progresses. i got put off this idea when someone said it looked like the NBC logo. slightly annoyed at myself for this.

The red paisley's opacity decreases as the series progresses. not that obvious unfortunately.

Inverting each design seems to make them much more effective.

"you looked at me" is the final image and my initial design just didnt have the right exaggeration at the end.

All You Need is Love doesn't really fit in the series. No flow! This is obvious when put next to the two adjacent images.

I printed them (at great expense and for no real reason).

Digital initial ideas. The bottom one has the quotes scaled to fit in a 12x12 inch square (to represent an LP). the centre has a regimented height and the top is an edited version of the central image.

These three images show my basic idea for the exhibition. The idea is for the design to become increasingly psychedelic the later the song is.

eventually i gave up listening and just found the lyrics online. I got into listening too much.

I have spent a long time listening to the beatles over and over again trying to find the right lyrics to choose. To fit with the name of the exhibition (see blog title) i chose to find a love song from every album and chose an extract of lyrics from said song.

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