and here they are.
with a badge!
yes. t-shirt.
Ahh! its a t-shirt!
He's a good'un. Having a quick look at my postcards.
boxers extraction.
aaand the 3rd one.
Took me bloody ages to fold the shirts in the same way and so that they fit nice and snugly in the A4 plastic bags.
i decided to print the cards with all 3 designs on the reverse, since you get every design inside the pack.
Ahh heres the packs. Each T-Shirt design includes a badge and the other 2 designs on postcards.
The bar chart design seems like it fills up a little too much of the space. The different orientations make the cards slightly out of series with eachother.
The portrait nature of this stat design is a little bit inappropriate for the space on this A4 card i reckon.
Cards for the packaging. Print on t-shirt is repeated on the back, but this may be a little bit too individual. I want a promo pack, not just a packaged t-shirt design. Pie chart design looks pretty sweet.
Perhaps i need to brighten the pink a bit for contrast? i didnt want to make it like..fuscia or anything cos that kind of defeats the entire point.
Logo on a badge! I decided to scrap the triangle. It was making the design too complicated. The weight on the blue suggests enough of an imbalance. Despite being the smaller part of the
word, the message is still communicated.
I think this stat is one to be binned. Its a little too forceful and intense. Also, as wrong as it seems, it could be taken as an incentive. Doest have the same graphical presentation as the others either.
One of my pet loves is filling up a space like this. The colours and the way the transition cuts through the words make this very effective as well.
Ahhh! pie charts! Good call. This has the same visual trick as *above* but put it in a circle and it translates completely differently.
With this sort of stat, as i previously discovered, juxtaposition is the key. I think i should have made the bars the same width for aesthetics sake, but although they are at proportionate heights, having the female one thinner exaggerates the stat slightly. is this too misleading?
Same issue with thickness as above, but they seem a little closer. Also, it reads downwards. This makes it easier to read. May seem lopsided and not centralised as with standard shirt designs.
Colour coding the text seems to work considerably better than having solid colour behind it.
I'm not sure how much more successful the proportion idea is with the back ground. The negative space idea seems to work much better with the JUXTAPOSITION of statistics rather than the percentage of a total.
I think the negative space works really well and massively emphasises the bar chart effect. makes it look a bit "tabloidy" and "headliney" as well.
Bar chart styleee! This works a little better than my original version of the pay gap statistic. rather than using "17% less than..." i decided to phrase it as "83% of..." and i needed to show the 100% and compare the 83% against it. This juxtaposition idea seems to work pretty well and it creates a genuine bar chart effect.
The "ideal world" is meant to represent 50% cyan, 50% magenta, how the stats SHOULD read. My idea is to take percentages and visually display them using these colours to emphasise the imbalance.
The most successful of these is 19.5% because the stat is so immediate. the rape convictions rate (5.3%) one is not immediately obvious because the rate is so low. It has also been pointed out that this could be taken as an incentive.
The "17% less than male wage" one is not obvious enough because the stat is not ACTUALLY 17%. The stat needs juxtaposing because if the male wage is 100%, the female is 83%.
Initial colour investigations for the logo. This does not relate specifically to social imbalances. It communicates the word, but nothing else.
Initial logo responses that represent the word "imbalance".
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